Mama, Walk It Out Week 2 day 5 excerpt

Week 2 Day 5 Is Temporary...
Memory Verse
“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:18 NIV
In the Bible, there is a girl named Miriam. She was the older sister to Moses and played an important role in the exodus of the Jews from Egypt. Unfortunately, her pride got her in trouble. She did not see this at all. As a baby, Moses’ mom put him in a basket and sent him down a river to save his life. It is likely Miriam watched over baby Moses as he floated down the river. (read Exodus 2:4) Pharaoh’s daughter found him. Miriam intervened, offering her mom to nurse and help raise him in the palace. Later, God chose Moses to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and Miriam was there to help! Miriam was like all of us. She had some great qualities, but she also had some unfavorable qualities. Miriam was loving and protective of her baby brother. And she was a leader. She wrote a beautiful song women would sing to say thanks to God for rescuing them. But Miriam had a problem with complaining (read Numbers 12). She complained about Moses’ leadership and even the woman he married. Maybe Miriam was jealous Moses was in charge and she was not? She probably felt unseen. God did not like Miriam complaining. Despite Miriam’s problems, God still used her, and he can use us, even when we have bad days. God sees everything.
Father forgive me when my pride gets in the way. You do see me and all that's in my heart. I pray you use me all the time, God, in Jesus' name, Amen.
Walk Deeper:
Are you a complainer? What do you complain about? Why?
What do you do when you’re embarrassed?
You deserve God's love. How do you know? Share
Message me which Walk Deeper question above impacted you the most and why. #1 seems to be on replay for me right now while birthing the Walk It Out Truth In Testimony (TNT) challenge. I'm not verbally complaining, but my thoughts can certainly get me in trouble if I'm not careful. Pride is sneaky. I'm simply being obedient and taking the steps HE asks me to.
Grab your copy of Walk It Out to read my story before Miriam and why I didn't give Miss Romano the oranges or tell the truth. My pride got in the way.
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